What are the easy ways to save the Rental Deposit?

Moving into a first accommodation, especially for the young professionals is always an exciting time when one gets to explore his local area, surfing markets to buy different sorts of colored decorative items for the rooms and investing heavily in the kitchenware. So, finally you have made it all successfully. Great, you have now your own home.
Sadly, you face the problem when the tenancy comes to the end and when it comes to getting back deposit. Since there are many letting agents and landlords have had problems with tenants in the past, those previously signed contracts, especially without evaluating can most of the times create an issue. So, here we are going to introduce you with tips that would assist you move in happily in your next home without having any trouble regardless it’s a short term or long term rentals.
Things to consider before you move into your new property
Right from the start of your tenancy, you need to be very careful and go around your property with the landlord or letting agent by figuring out the inventory and paying special attention to the damages. Make sure that you sign out the inventory when everything is on record. If they say that something is broken or damaged and it’s not mentioned in the inventory, have a conversation with the landlord via email so that you could have a paper trail or if it’s possible then go for the meter reading that is worth recording. Before you unpack, take the photograph of the rooms to check out the particular issues or objects with a camera that displays the date, to prove the exact time and day when the photo was taken.
Tips to follow during the Tenancy
Meanwhile, your tenancy, if anything is damaged or broken which you can’t afford to repair such as the electrical faults or the damp, contact your landlord ASAP. Apart from talking about this over the phone, follow it up with the email too, so that you can again have written proof through email conversations. Make sure that you take clear photos of these damages.
Points to consider while moving out
During the end of your contract, check the inventory and read it thoroughly before you read it. If it says that you need to clean the property, then do it and retain the receipt of the bill. Adhere to all other conditions too, such as thawing out the kitchen’s white goods, only if it’s mentioned in your contract. According to the law, you need to leave the property in the same condition as it was when you had moved in. Your legal contract will state that ‘Wear and Fear’ is completely expected.
Things which don’t come under this act such as – dampness around the grouting of sash windows, limescale around the bathroom and general dirt and grime must be compensated by the tenant. These damages must be fixed by the tenants during the tenancy not could not be left behind at any cost. Once you are settled with everything, then, again take the photographs for the future convenience.
Despite of all, if your landlords create issues in refunding your security deposit then you can sue him immediately and take him to the court.